Sale completes on Bedfordshire new homes site
Sun 09 Oct 2022
The sale has completed on a 3.5-acre site on the edge of the village of Blunham identified for residential development.
Our Commercial team in St Neots, acting for the landowners, secured a promoter for the site, Orchestra Land & Key Land Estates, which went on to achieve a resolution to grant planning permission for 26 dwellings.
Following the granting of a Section 106 agreement and the planning permission, our Development team undertook a highly successful marketing campaign resulting in a high volume of applicants furnished with full technical site information.
A high number of bids were received and terms agreed on the sale.
Simon Harvey, Development Surveyor, Commercial, St Neots, said: "Despite some technical site complications, the promoters, Brown&Co and the landowner worked collaboratively to reach a successful conclusion with the sale recently completing."
For more information contact Simon Harvey, St Neots, on 01480 479087.
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