HIGHEST & FINAL OFFERS. SEALED BIDS BY 12 NOON ON FRIDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER 2023. These should be addressed to Brown & Co, 1a Market Place, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6BE and be marked 'Land at Docking'. Emailed offers to timothy.nicholson@brown-co.com will also be acceptable. All bids will be treated in the strictest confidence.
About this property
DESCRIPTION This rectangular and largely level field has been down to grass for several years but was previously cropped for corn. There are hedges on three sides including along the roadside and a post and wire fence on the far southern side.
LOCATION It is flanked by bungalows on the east and by a mixture of larger, more modern dwellings on the west leading up to the large residential block known as Norfolk Heights. There are pony paddocks near there while the surroundings are generally arable farmland that gently undulates up to almost 80m above sea level at the top end of this field. It fronts the B1454 which connects the A148 from the western end of the Sculthorpe Straight with the A149 at Heacham via Docking which lies a mile to the east. Hunstanton and the neighbouring villages on the A149 are less than 6 miles away with Burnham Market 7, Wells 12, Fakenham 13, King's Lynn 18, Holt 24, and Norwich 38.
POTENTIAL USE The field is designated as open countryside by King's Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council so that there is a presumption against any residential development here. Nevertheless, over the last couple of years, there has been a significant development some 75 metres to the east. Here 6 eco lodges with restricted occupancy rules, approved in May 2020 under ref. 19/02206, have been built and sold in an old woodyard with a seventh, guide price £600,000, that has recently been marked 'under offer'. One of the intervening fields called The Nest, of similar size to the field being offered, has been the site of two withdrawn applications over recent years. In 2020 there was one for a campsite under ref. 20/01376 and in 2021 one for 14 eco lodges under ref. 21/01564. In autumn 2022 The Nest, comprising 2.12 acres/0.85 hectares, was sold for £185,000.
SERVICES An overhead electricity line crosses the field supported by one pole against the western hedge and another more central. Enquiries have indicated that there is no wayleave agreement in place though it should be possible for the purchaser to enter into one; a new connection was estimated to cost £2500 + VAT in April 2023. It is believed that a mains water supply runs parallel to the B1454 but that mains gas and drainage are unavailable in this vicinity so that applicants should rely on their own enquiries with relevant utilities.
AGRICULTURAL Apparently, no drainage charges have been made in recent years. The land is not registered with the Rural Payments Agency and no Agricultural Holding Number has been produced.
COVENANTS There are covenants referred to in a conveyance dated 1935 but no copy has been produced to date. The vendor is not imposing any new restrictive covenant or overage requirement.
TENURE Freehold and with vacant possession on completion of the purchase.
ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING LEGISLATION In accordance with the most recent Anti Money Laundering Legislation, buyers will be required to provide proof of identity and address to the selling agent once an offer has been submitted and accepted (subject to contract) prior to solicitors being instructed.
VAT It is believed that no VAT will be payable.
VIEWING When approaching along the B1454 from Docking the entrance to the field is the first gap in the hedge beyond the initial two bungalows and opposite the electricity pole in the northern verge. The kerb has been dug away so that vehicles can drive onto the field although applicants may prefer to park nearby on the opposite verge.
N.B. Great care must be taken when leaving the site since there is limited visibility especially with traffic approaching from the right (Docking) on the near, eastern side.
CONTACT DETAILS UK Power Networks www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk 0800 029 4280
King's Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council www.west-norfolk.gov.uk 01553 616200
Anglian Water Services Ltd www.anglianwater.co.uk 03457 145 145
NCC Highways, County Hall, Norwich planning-consultation@norfolk.gov.uk 01603 729260
To arrange a viewing contact

1A Market Place, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6BE

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