Our Energy team has been involved with more than 100 solar parks since the beginning of the last decade and continues to provide ongoing management advice across many of these projects.
Typically, the development of small and large scale solar parks involves a landowner granting a developer an option so they may proceed with applying for planning permission. We specialise in negotiating options terms, which are fundamental to the success of a development.
Getting the main commercial terms right, such as rent, duration, costs, break clauses and security bonds, is important. However, once a solar park is energised and online, the terms that may have appeared secondary at the outset, such as insurance, compensation, permitted use, cabling and access, move sharply into focus. We understand how important it is to spend time ensuring these details are watertight at the very beginning.
We can assist with:
- Development of new projects
- Managing landlord and tenant relationships of existing assets
- Valuation of land subject to solar leases
- Dispute resolution
- Buying and selling land subject to solar leases
- Working with grid consultants, banks, developers, landowners, accountants and solicitors
- Advising tenants regarding the possible loss of land during the development of a solar scheme
Solar parks are currently generating significant investor and public interest, in recognition of the role they can play in helping to tackle climate change and meeting the Government’s energy self-sufficiency targets.
Our Energy team is well-placed to help you through all of the commercial and legal considerations, be it from day one or at any other stage during a development.
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