Defra FFRF Webinar Recordings 2023
Brown&Co Sustainable Farming Incentive & Grant Funding Webinar | 7th November 2023
In this webinar Brown&Co Agri-Business Consultants Greg Beeton, Chris Sheldon and Ellis Gordon covered the following topics SFI insights so far, different approaches and examples of how SFI has been adopted, top tips for SFI applications, and how we can help farm business in this process to build resilience by generating new income streams.
Arable, SFI and Grazing Livestock Webinar | 21st November 2023
In our latest webinar, our Agri Business Consultants, Greg Beeton, James Valentine, Hugh Roper and Andrew Spinks looked at grazable SFI actions and the possibilities of incorporating them into an arable farm rotation.
To get started with SFI, visit: Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI)
Or to sign up for free on farm advice click the button below.