Online auctions
We host a number of online auctions throughout the year allowing you to dispose of farm machinery and equipment.
Each item has its own detailed listing, alongside a series of photographs. The auction runs over ten days to a timed deadline, during which time buyers can access lots via our website, view items and bid. At the end of the bidding period the item is either sold and the buyer collects the item from the seller, or if it is not sold, it can be entered into the next timed auction.
Any item of farm machinery or equipment can be sold via this auction method, subject to a minimum value per item of £50. A reserve price can be set. All costs are payable by the seller and are based on the eventual sale price, however, commission can be discussed on a case by case basis.
- Less than £1,000 is 10% per lot
- More than £1,000 is 6½% per lot
- Cancellation fee of 2½% of reserve.
As a regular holder of farm machinery and equipment auctions across East Anglia and the Midlands and Yorkshire & Humber region, as well as further afield, we have an extensive database comprising of thousands of known buyers to whom the details of online auctions are circulated. Our website attracts private and trade buyers, which combined with national advertising of on line sales, will ensure your farm machinery and equipment has the widest possible coverage to the market.
Our professional and experienced auction team are on hand to deal with any queries or issues and funds will be paid promptly to sellers.
Why Choose Brown&Co for your Machinery Auction?
- We are a trusted firm with competitive charges
- We provide effective national marketing via all media outlets
- We hold a large database of UK and European buyers
- We are a professional and experienced auction team
- We provide accurate, efficient auction day accounting
- We ensure prompt payment of auction proceeds to sellers
- We have a growing reputation in the sector