A local solution to help UK food security
Wed 01 Feb 2023
The Food Enterprise Park, situated on the outskirts of Norwich, can provide support for the region's food producers during the ongoing economic crisis.
We face an ongoing economic crisis as the war in Ukraine continues, resulting in rising energy costs, food cost inflation not seen for 40 years and a global threat to food security.
For our food and drink manufacturers and agri-food producers, at the very time when they need to invest and increase output to meet the growing domestic demand, they face potentially crippling factors in the year ahead.
Threatening to stifle their growth is the spiralling price of energy which, according to a recent report by the Food and Drink Federation (FDF), accounts for 22pc of such firms’ overall costs.
For businesses reliant on energy for various processes such as chilling, freezing and heating, this rise in costs means they are among the sectors worst affected.
However, there is a solution – the Food Enterprise Park (FEP) situated on the outskirts of Norwich.
Our Norwich commercial team is selling and leasing plots ranging in size from two to seven acres that come with a Local Development Order, providing permitted development rights.
This reduces much of the bureaucratic process and cost required to gain the necessary planning consents and essentially offers businesses a swift and seamless relocation opportunity."
Nick Dunn, Norwich Head of Commercial
In addition, plots are available with access to up to 40MW power costing less than 20p/kWh for long-term contracted power purchase agreements.
The FEP’s core objective is to facilitate growth in the food and drink/agri-food and agri-tech sectors.
Its proximity to the Norwich Research Park (six miles away) means occupiers can collaborate with and benefit from the world class bioscience research being undertaken at the likes of the Quadram Institute, the John Innes Centre, the University of East Anglia, Easton College and the Sainsbury Laboratory.
So, a specialist business park, where like-minded food and drink businesses can co-locate – with fast-track planning and cost effective power – has got to be a boost to protecting UK food security.
If you are looking to expand your business or relocate it and be part of the FEP’s success story – with the likes of Condimentum, the Broadland Food Innovation Centre and Fischer Farms already leading the way – please come and take a look at what is on offer.
For more information contact Nick Dunn, Norwich Head of Commercial, Brown&Co on 01603 629871.
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