- For sale by Live Stream Auction 30th April 2025
- 0.39 acre Development site
- PP for 4 x 3 bed dwellings with garages
- Existing Bungalow in poor repair
- Close to school and amenities
- Buyers Fee £900 + VAT
For sale by Live Stream Auction 30th April 2025 - 0.39 acre Development site - PP for 4 x 3 bed dwellings with garages - Existing Bungalow in poor repair - Close to school and amenities - Buyers Fee £900 + VAT
About this property
Detailed Description
A developent site exending to around 0.39 of an acre with outline Planning Permission for the the erection of 4no. 3-bedroom dwellings with garages. The site currently accommodates a detached bungalow in poor condition, which would be demolished to allow for 4 generous sized plots.
Market Rasen is a popular Market town approximately 18 miles from the City of Lincoln and about 20 miles from Grimsby. The town benefits from a wide range of amenities including a doctors surgery, variety of shops, leisure facilities and both primary and secondary schools.
Planning Permission
Outline Planning Permission was granted on 3rd April 2023 by West Lindsey District Council under application number 145996 for the removal of the existing dwelling and erection of 4no,
replacement dwellings. The dwellings comprise two pairs of semi detached, 2-storey houses with garages. The overall site is approximately 45 m deep and 33m wide in total, facilitating 4 good sized plots, with direct access off Mill Road. Approval of reserved matters must be applied for within 3 years of the date of permission.
Hillbrow Bungalow
The existing dwelling on the plot is in poor state of repair, but affords potential purchasers the opportunity for renovation. The accommodation as is comprises total floor area of 133msq
The property benefits from mains drainage, water and electricity are also connected to the site.
The site benefits from direct highway access on to Mill Road, Market Rasen. The buyer(s) shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all boundaries and neither the seller nor the selling agent will be responsible for defining the boundaries or their ownership.
Strictly by appointment with the Auctioneers. Tel: 01522 504360
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Prior to bidding on any auction lots we are required to verify the identity of the bidder to comply with The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulation 2017. We also need to complete the remote bidding registration process as this will be a live stream event only. Please contact us on 01522 504360 or cpa@brown-co.com
Michelle Bradford
Sibthorp House,
351 - 355 High Street
01522 518888
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