- Nearby Neighbours Screwfix, Timber Services, Edmundson Electrical & Medlock Electrical
- Clear Height 14ft
- Close to Hardwick Roundabout for A47, A17, A10/M11
- Dedicated External Parking
Well Located Factory/Warehouse Premises with Dedicated External Parking and Close to Hardwick Roundabout
About this property
Detailed Description
Unit 5 comprises a substantial mid-terrace unit nearby to Screwfix, Edmundson Electrical, Medlock Electrical Distributors and opposite Timber Services. Venus Court was comprehensively refurbished in 2007. The Unit has a steel decked north light roof which provides excellent natural lighting. The floor space has a 4.25m/14ft clear height throughout, internal office and cloakroom and large forecourt.
Steel deck roof with glazed north lights and good natural lighting and electric roller shutter door services and fitted intruder alarm.
The unit has dedicated external parking to the front.
Venus Court is understood to enjoy B1 Business, B2 General Industrial and B8 Storage or Distribution.
Venus Court is situated on Oldmedow Road on the Hardwick Industrial Estate and occupies a prominent position just opposite the Scania Way junction.
The property is conveniently located for the A47, A10 and A17 being within 1/2 mile of the Hardwick Roundabout.
Hardwick Industrial Estate is the premier Industrial location in King's Lynn and lies close by major Sainsbury and Tesco Superstores and Retail Parks. Scania Way supports a number of retail motor outlets. The front Trade Counter Units are Occupied by Screfix, Denmans Electrical.
From the Hardwick Roundabout take the exit into King's Lynn Town Centre and at the traffic lights take the first left - Scania Way. At the roundabout take the first exit and continue to the junction with Oldmedow Road, where the property can be seen on the left hand side identified by our board.
The property has the following (approximate) gross internal floor area:
Unit 5 Overall - 1,178.3 sq m (12,683.2 sq ft)
Including Office & Cloakrooms
Business Rates
Tenants are advised to contact the Local Authority to confirm the Rates Payable:
Mains water, drainage, gas and electricity are understood to be connected.
We have not carried out tests on any of the services or appliances and interested parties should arrange their own test to ensure these are in working order.
Strictly by appointment with the Letting Agent.
VAT will be charged on the rent.
Legal Costs
The ingoing tenant will be expected to bear the Landlord's legal costs incurred in the preparation of the lease.
The property is offered to let on a new full insuring lease for a minimum term of 3 years or multiples thereof.
Please note that any lease will be subject to a satisfactory credit reference check.
To arrange a viewing contact

Market Chambers, 25-26 Tuesday Market Place, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1JJ

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